
Reach Logo.png

REACH people where they are, REACH them with what they need,
and REACH them so they connect and grow with God. 

Missions is nothing new. It’s a story that's been told since before stories were told. From the very beginning when God reached down and breathed life into Adam, to when Jesus walked the earth and reached the masses with his love and compassion, to the local and global reach that’s continuing today, missions has always been about seeking the forgotten, reconnecting the abandoned and serving God by serving others.  Jesus said to “go and make disciples of all peoples.” Jesus calls us all to REACH people where they are, REACH them with what they need, and REACH them so they connect and grow with God. That’s why we call the missions initiative at Southbrook REACH.  

Take a look at our REACH relationships below as we invite you to join us in being part of what God is doing in Milwaukee and around the world.

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REACH Partners are deep and long-lasting relationships with individuals or groups who serve in Milwaukee and around the world.

Care Net Pregnancy Center, Milwaukee - Rachel Schepp

Milwaukee - Laurie & Gary Hendrickson and Mark Mallwitz

911 Life,  Medellin, Colombia - Tom & Jen Atwater

Open Arms, Lima, Peru - Jordi and Ria Bosch

Peace Project, Milwaukee and around the world

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REACH Projects are opportunities throughout the year to serve such as Love MKE, Royal Family,
serving our local schools, and jail and prison outreach.

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REACH Prepare covers resources used to equip and develop people to serve and live for Jesus, divided into the following categories:

Field Workers

Youth For Christ, Oak Creek and Greendale High Schools - Jeff and Jaclyn Wright

InterVarsity International Student Ministry, North Dakota State University - Grace Kwak

Groups, Organizations & Classes

Beyond Addictions, Southbrook
Hope Street, Milwaukee
Perspectives, Milwaukee Area
Milwaukee Rescue Mission, Milwaukee

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