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Registration Closed

Sean Luellwitz

Registration closed on Thursday, January 2, 2020

33 spots available
February 22, 2020 to March 01, 2020
Lima, Peru
Join us for a week in Lima, Peru, serving with Brazos Abiertos, led by REACH Partners Jordi and Ria Bosch. The trip will include the construction of a new classroom, which involves painting, flooring, plumbing, electricity and wood working. We will also work to expand current bathroom facilities. No specific building skills are required, just an attitude to learn, get dirty, and work hard! We will also have opportunities to serve moms and children who the school serves through activities and interaction. This Mission Trip is open to men and women 18 or over. Approximate trip cost is $1,500. A $50 deposit is required at signup.

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